Program hållbarhetsdagen 2020

Här hittar du programmet för hållbarhetsdagen 2020. Here you will find the program for Sustainability Day 2020.  
08.30 – 08.45 Welcome to the conference Anton Grenholm and Jörgen Elbe.  
08.45 – 09.30

Keynote lecture: Sustainability talk or sustainability walk? A critical review of sustainable development as a tool for transformation.

Erik Westholm, professor emeritus vid institutionen för Stad och Land vid SLU och tidigare professor i kulturgeografi vid Högskolan Dalarna.

09.30 – 09.45 Break  

Session 1

Session 2


Moderator: Marie Elf

Moderator: Farhana Borg


Titel: The precautionary principle and regulatory impact assessment: on the need for initial screening of hazards in regulatory workwith examples from transport.

Lena Nerhagen, Sara Forsstedt – The Swedish Transport Agency (currently National Road and Transport Administration), Karin Edvardsson –The Swedish Transport Agency.

Titel: Varsam, resurs och energieffektiv renovering.
Jonn Are Myhren, Alaa Khadra.


Titel: Sustainable Arctic Cruise Communities: Staying with trouble?
Albina Pashkevich.
Project leading organisation - Nord University, Bodo, Norway, project partners - Allborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark,Icelandic Tourism Research Centre, Akureyri, Iceland, Nordlandsforksing, Bodo, Norway, Uppsala University, Sweden.

Titel: A conceptual eco-cycle model for an integrated approach on urban systems.
Ulf Ranhagen.


Titel: Den hållbara stadsdelen som arena för att generera alternativa praktiker av hållbar stadsutveckling.
Mikael Andersson, Tony Svensson.

Titel: Future Proof Cities – forskarskolan för hållbar stadsutveckling.
Chris Bales.


Coffe break



Session 3

Session 4


Modertor: Annie-Maj Johansson

Moderator: David Gray


Titel: An analytical framework for sustainable tourism pedagogy: reflections from Sweden.
Ioanna Farsari.

Titel: Bottom Up Perspectives on Sustainability: Non-formal Learning in a Colombian Non-Governmental Organization.
Maria Deldén.


Titel: Structure in internationalisation and sustainability in the learning goals in higher education.
Ingrid From, Juvas Marianne Liljas, Anna Anåker, Farhana Borg, Jenny Isberg, Eva Randell.

Titel: Ekologiskt, ekonomiskt och socialt hållbar utveckling genom bilderboksarbete i F-3-klasser.
Anna Lyngfelt, Eva Söderberg.


Titel: Health facility- based maternal Death enquiry in Somaliland using Audit.
Jama Ali Egal, PhD Candidate, Dalarna University and University of Hargesia Co-authors: Mr. Jonah Kiruja, Fatumo Osman,Kerstin Erlandsson, Marie Klingberg-Allvin.

Titel: Digital Mapping of Techno-Economic Performance of a Water-Based Solar Photovoltaic/Thermal (PVT) System for Buildingsover Large Geographical Cities.
Santhan Reddy Penaka, Puneet Kumar Saini, Xingxing Zhang, Aeljandro del Amo.





Session 5

Session 6


Moderator: Ioanna Farsari

Moderator: Annie-Maj Johansson


Titel: Eco-certified Preschools and Children's Learning for Sustainability: Researching Holistic Outcomes of Preschool Educationfor Sustainability (HOPES):
Farhana Borg, Niklas Gericke, Professor, and Director of SMEER, Karlstad University Anders Ohlsson, Doctoral student, Educationalwork, Dalarna University.

Titel: GReAT – a global sustainability initiative for people with functional limitations.
Johan Borg.


Titel: A Three-Stage Periodic Model: An Initial Analysis of Government Preventive Measures against COVID-19 Epidemics andTheir Impacts on Economic Growth.
William Song, Serena Barakat, Roger Nyberg, William Wei Song Dalarna University, Borlänge, Sweden Zichen Xu, Rao Hong, Yuhao WangNanchang University, Nanchang, China.

Titel: A Study of Smart Ventilation System to Balance Indoor Air Quality and Energy Consumption.
Yurong Zhu, William Wei Song, Jonn Are Myhren, Xingxing Zhang.



Titel: Sustainable agriculture in a changing climate in the Lake Victoria Basin -  Small scale farm household ́s coping and adaptation strategies. 
Anders Törnqvist.



Voting + choice of topic for group discussions



Best Thesis award



Coffe break



Group discussions



Group 1:



Group 2:



Group 3:



Closing of the Symposium



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