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Cheru, F. & Obi, C. (red.). (2010). Rise of China and India in Africa : challenges, opportunities and critical interventions. 1 uppl. London: Zed. ISBN: 9781848134362
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Christie, I. (2014). Tourism in Africa : harnessing tourism for growth and improved livelihoods. 1 uppl. Washington, D.C: The World Bank. ISBN: 9781464801907
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Samatar, A. I. (1999). African miracle : state and class leadership and colonial legacy in Botswana development. 1 uppl. Portsmouth, N.H: Heinemann. ISBN: 0-325-00069-7
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Kinyanjui, M. N. (2014). Women and the informal economy in urban Africa : from the margins to the centre. 1 uppl. London: Zed Books. ISBN: 9781780326313
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