2 degrees: tourism and the new climate regime

Session in The 26th Nordic Symposium of Tourism and Hospitality Research

The international community has recently agreed upon on a 2 degree Celsius guardrail for global warming. The new sustainable development goals (Agenda 2030) are in place. The concept of the Anthropocene as a geological-and-historical epoch is gaining momentum across the sciences.

All in all, this illustrates that we are now living in a new climate regime where human activities are hyper-connected to the functioning of the Earth System, or what others prefer to call Gaia, and where one highly important connectedness is tourism. The aim of the session is to explore all kinds of challenges this new climate regime may pose to tourism and tourism research.

We welcome all kinds of papers that engage with this new climate regime. Examples of more specific topics could be:

  • Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030)
  • Tourism and planetary boundaries
  • Tourism and the Anthropocene
  • Tourism as a geo-force
  • Tourism and planetary awareness
  • Tourism and place-bonding in the Anthropocene
  • Tourism and the planetary scale
  • Tourism and ecological economics
  • Tourism and planetary hospitality
  • Tourism and geo-ethics
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