Opening hours and contact

Here you find the library's contact information and our opening hours.

Staffed opening hours
Weekdays: 8 AM - 4 PM

Extended opening hours – key card needed
Weekdays: 4 PM - 8 PM
Saturdays: 10 AM - 4 PM

Did you receive your access card in Borlänge before August 2024? If so, you need to replace it at the Helpdesk in Falun to gain access to the Falun library during extended hours.

Read more about our extended opening hours and what to do if something happens when the library is unmanned.


Dalarna University
The Library in Falun
791 88 Falun

Tel: 023-77 81 80

Visiting Address: Högskolegatan 2, Falun


Dalarna University
The Library in Borlänge
791 88 Falun

Tel: 023-77 81 90

Visiting Address: Stationsgatan 4, Borlänge

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