Equal Opportunity

Fundamental to our work to ensure equal opportunity is that everyone - applicants, students, employees - has the same opportunities, rights and obligations regardless of background.

The work to ensure equal opportunity includes countering discrimination and harassment, actively promoting equal opportunity, and safeguarding the diversity that exists in society.

Equal Opportunity – an Issue for Us All

Equal opportunity is an issue that concerns us all, regardless of whether we are an employee or a student. We are all responsible for ensuring that we treat everyone with respect and contribute to an inclusive culture where equality is a common point of departure. 
An attractive workplace is one of the central quality aspects highlighted in the Strategy for Dalarna University. To improve academic quality and increase competitiveness, we must: 

  • Have a high-quality physical and social work environment
  • Give university employees the opportunity to develop and grow in their professional role
  • Work actively to achieve greater equality and diversity

Victimisation and the Work Environment 

The Swedish Work Environment Authority provisions for the Organizational and Social Work Environment (AFS 2015:4) cover victimisation in a more general sense that does not necessarily have anything to do with the seven grounds of discrimination. Here, respectful treatment and a positive place for dialogue are foundational to prevent discrimination through words and actions that result in exclusion and, at worst, ill health. On the staff website, you can find more information about victimisation.

Norm-Critical Approach and Intersectionality

Central to the work in this area is the insight that underlying and often hidden norms and beliefs influence how we perceive our surroundings and the people we meet. The term intersectionality highlights how different grounds for discrimination can work together and, consequently, cannot be understood independently of the other. 

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Lecturer Work Science
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