To renew an item you have borrowed, please log into My Loans. If you want to renew an interlibrary loan, please contact the library.
- Log in with your user credentials that you received from the University if you are a student or member of staff. Use yourlibrary card number and pin if you are an external user. Libraries log in with their short form and pin number.
- Now you can see your borrowing status: this shows which items you have currently checked out. Alternatively, click on the link "Items currently checked out".
- Choose the loans that you want to extend by checking off the box beside the title of the book. Next click on "Renew marked". If you want to extend all your loans, choose "Renew all".
- You will now see the items you wish to renew. Choose "Yes" if you want to renew those shown.
- In the column "Status", you can see the new return date. If you are unable to renew an item, you will receive a message explaining why. For example, there may be somebody else in the waiting list for the book.
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