Research Project: Multilingualism: What do they want to know? A study of degree theses in Swedish teacher education for the primary school

Project leader
BethAnne Yoxsimer Paulsrud
Project Members
Project Period
Project Status
The aim of this proposed project is to investigate the topics that primary school student teachers choose for their degree theses with a focus on subjects broadly related to multilingualism (e.g. multilingual pupils, Swedish as a second language, newly arrived pupils, mother tongue instruction, and mother tongue study guidance). The aim is to investigate if students are choosing subjects related to multilingualism for degree thesis work on primary teacher education programmes in Sweden and what their choices reveal about their attitudes, beliefs and knowledge of multilingualism. Student degree theses from the primary teacher school programme (for Years 0-3 and 4-6) will be analysed for explicit or implicit themes on multilingualism that the students are addressing in their theses, revealing what they want to know more about. This study fills a gap as no research has examined the topics students are choosing for their degree theses in Swedish teacher education since the latest reform of 2011. An understanding of what teacher students want to know more about may indicate to teacher educators what they need to include in the teacher education programmes. Considering how linguistically diverse the Swedish school is becoming, knowing about multilingualism is vital to teacher education.
Research Profile
Education and Learning
Åke Wibergs Stiftelse