BethAnne Yoxsimer Paulsrud

Personlig presentation av BethAnne Yoxsimer Paulsrud

Senior Lecturer English
English School of Language, Literatures and Learning
Associate Professor
English School of Language, Literatures and Learning
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English School of Language, Literatures and Learning

In both my research and my teaching, my focus is on issues related to language, especially multilingualism, policy and practices, teacher education, and English in Sweden and Swedish schools.

I am the research group leader for the Forum for Linguistics.

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I am originally from California, but have lived most of my life in Sweden. I received a Bachelor of Science degree in Child Development with a focus on Education from San Diego State University (1991) and a Master of Education degree in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Literacy from the University of San Diego (1995).  In addition, I hold a Master of Arts degree (2009) with a major in English, specializing in Linguistics, from Dalarna University.

I defended my PhD dissertation, English-Medium Instruction in Sweden: Perspectives and practices in two upper secondary schools, in 2014 at the Department of Language Education, Stockholm University. During the years 2015-2018, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Research on Bilingualism, Stockholm University.

Before working in academia, I was a preschool teacher, a mother tongue teacher, and a primary school teacher. In 2006, I joined Dalarna University as a lecturer in English. Currently, I am Associate Professor of English Applied Linguistics.

During the autumn term of 2023, I was a visiting STINT Scholar in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, with funding from the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT).


Most of my teaching is within the teacher training programme at Dalarna University, especially on courses in English language learning and teaching for pre-service primary school teachers. I also supervise and examine degree projects in English and in the teacher training programme. I am currently the main supervisor for one PhD student.

Courses currently taught:

GEN2LD English for Primary School Teachers Years 4-6, 1B

GEN35G English Language Learning and Teaching

GEN379 English I for Teacher Education Students (Language Learning and Teaching)

Degree Thesis for Master of Arts in Education, Pre-School Class and Primary School Years 1-3 and Years 4-6, Parts I and II (supervision, examination, subject coordinator)

Epistemology and Educational Research for Teachers in Pre-school Class and Primary School Years 1-3 and Years 4-6

Degree Thesis in English for Master of Arts in Education, Upper Secondary School (supervision and examination)

Course Coordinator


My research is informed by my many years of experience as a preschool and primary school teacher, as well as a mother tongue teacher. My research currently focuses on multilingualism in educational policy and practice, teacher education, English and English-medium instruction in Sweden, and family language policy. Together with my colleague Parvin Gheitasi, I am investigating how pre-service and in-service primary teachers work with differentiation and multilingualism in the English subject. I am also a member of a larger research project, ABK (Attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge on multilingualism) with researchers from eight countries studying pre-primary and primary teachers' perspectives on multilingualism. 

Member of the following research networks

  • ABK Network (Attitudes, Knowledge and Beliefs on Multilingualism). 
  • HOLM ReN: AILA Research Network ”Social and Affective Factors in Home Language Maintenance and Development”  
  • ASLA (Svenska föreningen för tillämpad språkvetenskap) 
  • AILA (International Applied Linguistics Association)
  • SWERA (Swedish Educational Research Association)
  • EESS (English Education Scholars Sweden)
  • ELLRA (Early Language Learning Research Association)
  • TESOL International Association
