Reproductive, Infant and Child Health (RICH)

RICH is an interdisciplinary research group with focus on the various methods to improve reproductive health and child and adolescent health in Dalarna, nationally and internationally.

Socio-cultural conditions affect reproductive health and children's lives and health. From an international perspective, women often have a vulnerable position and have limited power, and they may face high risks associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Nationally, pregnant women with an immigrant background have a higher risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

Children and young people's health problems differ depending on age. Infancy is the most vulnerable period, and infants who need neonatal care are a particularly vulnerable group. Age-related differences in diseases, injuries and health reflect the child's biological and social development; however, there is always the scope to influence and improve their health and well-being. For children with chronic diseases, great care needs or mental illness, there are large knowledge gaps in how to support their health and well-being. This also applies to children who experience deprivation due to, for example, financial constraints or neglect. Evidence-based knowledge is needed to improve care.

This research group represents perspectives from nursing; medicine; sexual, reproductive and perinatal health; public health; social work; sociology; and sport and health sciences.

The intention with several projects within RICH is to implement methods and interventions that have been proven to be successful within clinical care. The hope therefore is that the projects will contribute to evidence-based practices, which when implemented will contribute to improved health outcomes.

We collaborate closely with the research centre Knowledge Implementation and Patient Safety (KIPS) at Dalarna University.

Strategic Goals

  • To conduct research that in the short term and long term improves reproductive, child and adolescent health and well-being;
  • To undertake relevant and prominent local, national and international research;
  • To increase collaboration between different disciplines at Dalarna University in projects concerning reproductive, child and adolescent health and well-being;
  • To develop close collaboration with patients / users, staff, stakeholders and researchers in Dalarna, nationally and internationally.

Examples of Research Areas

  • Cross-cultural perspectives on reproductive health and child health in the Somali population
  • Women's and children's health and well-being during pregnancy / childbirth and the neonatal period
  • Parents' and infants' health in neonatal care
  • Children and adolescents with life-long diseases
  • Adolescent health
  • Psychosocial and cultural aspects of feeding/breastfeeding
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