Research Project: What would physical educators know about movement education?

Project leader
Dean Barker, Göteborgs universitet
Project Members
Gunn Nyberg
Helene Bergentoft, Göteborgs universitet
Project Period
Project Status
This study identifies the conceptual underpinnings of current movement research in Physical Education. Using a hermeneutic approach, four analogies for movement education are identified: the motor program analogy, the neurobiological systems analogy, the instinctive movement analogy, and the embodied exploration analogy. Three issues related to logical consistency and its relevance for movement education are raised. The first relates to tensions between the analogies and educational policy. The second concerns differences among the four analogies. The third issue relates to the appropriateness of specific analogies for dealing with certain movement contexts. In each case, strategies for improvement are considered.
Research Profile
Education and Learning
Sport and Health Science
Högskolan Dalarna