Research Project: Research use in nursing practice and its association to educational, individual and work contextual factors.

Project leader
Henrietta Forsman
Lars Wallin
Project Members
Anna Ehrenberg
Petter Gustavsson, Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle Karolinska Institutet
Project Period
Project Status
The overall purpose of this research project is to gain a better understanding of nurses’ use of research in clinical practice and its relationship to various factors. The specific aims are 1) to investigate the extent of nurses’ RU and to identify subgroups of nurses with similar RU profiles, 2) to identify predictors (educational, individual and work contextual) of nurses’ research use, and 3) to investigate the variability over time of nurses’ research use and its association to educational, individual and work contextual factors.
Forskningsanvändning, sjuksköterskor, Research use, nurses
Research Profile
Health and Social Welfare
Caring Science/Nursing
Nationella forskarskolan i vård och omsorg, Karolinska Institutet