Past RECAST Seminars

RECAST is a forum where researchers and doctoral students from all disciplines can meet to discuss research on sustainability, share knowledge and broaden their networks. On this page, you can read about seminars that have already been held.

RECAST Seminars 2024

Seminar 1: The SNS Preparedness Commission

18 April 2024

The escalating global security challenges have prompted Sweden to enhance its overall defence capabilities. In response, in 2024 Studieförbundet Näringsliv och Samhälle (SNS) started a three-year research project focused on crisis and preparedness issues – the SNS Preparedness Commission. The project aims to analyse how to establish and sustain socio-economically efficient preparedness. Associated with the project is a research group that includes Lars Hultkrantz, Professor Emeritus of Economics at the School of Economics, Örebro University, and Lena Nerhagen, PhD in Economics at Dalarna University. In the seminar, they presented the group's work and how it relates both to previous research and to ongoing changes in Swedish defence preparedness.

Seminar 2: Understandings and mitigation of Climate Change – Social sciences and engineering approaches

26 November 2024

See program (pdf).

RECAST Seminars 2023

Seminar 1: How can Dalarna University be more active in Borlänge's aim to be climate neutral by 2030?

23 February 2023

Borlänge has ambitiously chosen to challenge itself to be climate neutral by 2030. As part of this, they have established an Innovation Team that holds regular workshops with the aim of working together to develop solutions and ideas to make Borlänge climate neutral. It uses an innovation process that works with multiple stakeholders and is solution-oriented. Dalarna University is part of the Innovation Team with the university representatives Tony Svensson, Johan Håkansson and Chris Bales. In this workshop, we discussed how our university can take a more active role in Borlänge's aim to be climate neutral and the potential for “spin-off projects” from the Innovation Team for research as well as student projects.

Seminar 2: Interdisciplinary Researchers’ Networks Grant

26 October 2023

In this seminar, ten presenters shared their experiences about projects that were awarded a grant for interdisciplinary researchers’ networks at DU in 2020. Pesenters were Chris Bales, Johan Borg, Björn Äng, Annelie Ädel, Per Ekwall, Marie Elf, Mengjie Han, Ingrid From, Thorbjörn Swenberg and Lena Dahlberg. For further information about the seminar, please see the program (pdf).

RECAST Seminars 2022

Seminar 1: Ongoing Research

17 February 2022

The seminar was conducted by Jörgen Elbe, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, and the following researchers presented their current projects:

  • Tara Duncan, Jonathan Yachin and David Scott: "Answering a KKS call: Teaching resilience and sustainability in a tourism context".
  • Ioanna Farsari: "Pedagogy for sustainable tourism: educating citizens rather than only professionals".
  • Maria Deldén: "Bottom-up perspectives on sustainability – an international perspective".

Seminar 2: Goals and Activities for Sustainable Development

2 June 2022

This was a whole-day seminar at Dalarna Science Park in Borlänge. The aim was to discuss Dalarna University's goals and activities for sustainable development in research and postgraduate education. Approximately 40 participants attended the seminar. Moderators were Jörgen Elbe, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, and Tara Duncan, Professor of Tourism Science. During the seminar, there was discussion about how researchers at Dalarna University can be encouraged to work on research questions in collaboration across traditional disciplines and how we can work to reach the University's own goals for sustainable development in the field of research. During the seminar, five researchers presented their projects, current and future:

  • Johan Borg: "Assistive Technology – A Means to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals".
  • Jennie Aronsson och Marie Elf: "Sustainability Education and Research at the School of Nursing and Midwifery at the University of Plymouth, England, and Our Collaboration with Dalarna University".
  • Ravi Dar: "Pricing for 55. A Corporate Governance and Choice Architecture Approach to GHG Emission Mitigation and the Circular Economy".
  • Sara Svensson: "Planning for Reduced Segregation - A Study of Work and Organization within the Municipal Community Building Process".
  • David Gray: "My Job Is to Take Care of You’: Intergenerational Environmental Justice in Contemporary Fiction".

Report from the seminar and handouts from the presentations (pdf)

Seminar 3: Doctoral Studies and Agenda 2030

1 November 2022

The purpose of this seminar was to create opportunities for doctoral students to present their studies while connecting them with Agenda 2030 for Sustainability; establish networks and collaboration; get feedback on their studies from colleagues; learn about current studies in DU's research schools; and learn about DU’s on-going research collaboration with GCUA 2030.

RECAST Seminars 2021

Seminar 1: Launch of a New Research Forum - RECAST

24 February 2021

  • Launching RECAST and presentation of Dalarna University’s strategy for research concerning sustainability by Professor Jörgen Elbe.
  • Presentation of RECAST by Dr. Farhana Borg.
  • Presentation of sustainability in society – the social pillar, research by Associate Professor Tomas Axelson.

Seminar 2: Economic Sustainability

7 April 2021

  • Presentation of economic sustainability from health and environmental perspectives by Professor Jonas Nordström.
  • Presentation of RE-TraCE (Realising the Transition to the Circular Economy: Models, Methods and Applications) by Dr. Catia Cialani.
  • Presentation of RIFFTS – (The Regional Implementation of a Fossil-Free Transport System): Challenges for Socio-Economic Efficiency, a joint project with VTI (Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute) by Dr. Lena Nerhagen.

Seminar 3: Integration of Sustainability in Research Schools/Doctoral Education

9 June 2021

  • Presentation of future proof cities: integration of sustainability in a research school at Dalarna University by Professor Chris Bales.
  • Panel discussion on how sustainability can be integrated into research studies at Dalarna University and what can be done to address Agenda 2030 for sustainable development through research school activities. Panelists: Professor Chris Bales, Professor Anna Ehrenberg, Professor Marie Klingberg Allvin, Professor Yves Rybarczyk, Professor Thomas Sedelius, Associate Professor Mats Tegmark. Chair: Professor Jörgen Elbe.

Seminar 4: Integrating Sustainability in Higher Education Institution Research

21 September 2021

A half-day seminar during which the role of research in realising the sustainability agenda was highlighted through lectures and group discussions. Moderators were Professor Jörgen Elbe and Professor Chris Bales. The day included two guest lectures:

  • “The meaning of and the process towards the sustainable university - Is it possible to measure qualities for the sustainable university and to compare universities?” by Professor Björn Brorström, Professor Emeritus and former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Borås, and Dr. Birgitta Påhlsson, former Coordinator of Sustainable Development at the University of Borås.
  • “Sustainability and Research at SLU - how SLU has facilitated and stimulated the integration of sustainability in research and doctoral education programs” by Dr. Ylva Hillbur, Pro-Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for international relations and Agenda 2030, at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU.
Last reviewed:
Anton Grenholm
Environmental and Sustainability Coordinator
Last reviewed: