Well-Attended Workshop on the Societal Importance of Educational Institutions

A workshop on the role of educational institutions in systems of innovation and a presentation on Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) were two ways in which Dalarna University contributed at the recent HSS (Högskola och Samhälle i Samverkan) Conference.
Johan Kostela and Sigrid Saveljeff at the conference venue.
The workshop was held by Johan Kostela and Sigrid Saveljeff.

The HSS Conference (Högskola and Samhälle i Samverkan) (Universities and Society in Collaboration) is a biannual event. This year, 2019, Örebro served as host and as always, the conference attracted attendees from within academia, business and industry, and the public sector.

This year, Dalarna University organised a workshop on the role of educational institutions in systems of innovation, based on an analysis that it conducted in 2018. The workshop was held by Johan Kostela, Strategic Officer, Collaboration, and Sigrid Saveljeff, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, both of Dalarna University.

"The discussion was about the role academia can assume when it comes to contributing to innovation and development that generate long-term societal good. The workshop attracted large numbers of attendees and the discussion was very good," states Sigrid Saveljeff.

Dalarna University also took the opportunity to present its KTP model, which drew a great deal of interest and resulted in a number of interesting contacts. Johan Kostela, Per Edén and Marit Söderqvist, all affiliated with KTP at Dalarna University,  held the presentation.


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