University Lecturer Receives International Award

Charlotte Lindgren, Senior Lecturer in French at Dalarna University, was recently recognised for her teaching by being awarded the so-called Sweden States Pedagogiska Pris 2019 by the organisation Delta Kappa Gamma.
Charlotte Lindgren (left) accepts her award, a piece of jewellery, from Chairperson Helga Skeidsvoll.
Charlotte Lindgren (left) accepts her award, a piece of jewellery, from Chairperson Helga Skeidsvoll.

Charlotte Lindgren was nominated to receive the award based on, among other things, her ability to inspire and to enthuse both students and colleagues alike.

"It is of course a great honour for me," she states. "What's more, it's always motivating to meet other competent women who work within education, particularly when there is so much to be done when it comes to education in general as well as women and girls throughout the world."

Delta Kappa Gamma is an international organisation that can be found in 17 countries, one of them Sweden. Its mandate is to support the professional and personal development of women educators and to promote quality education.

The latest meeting for the organisation took place in Västerås, and it was here that Charlotte accepted the award that is handed out every second year to members of the organisation.

"It's nice to know that my way of working with online teaching is appreciated. The way we teach at Dalarna University means that we meet our students online in real time - much more often than is the case with most other distance-based courses. We have made a deliberate choice to focus on interaction in the learning process, something I do believe we are well known for outside of the University," states Charlotte Lindgren.


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