Top Manager To Lecture at Annual Diversity Day

Former Borlänge IKEA manager Johan Nestor will lecture at both Campus Borlänge and Campus Falun as part of Wednesday's Diversity Day. His involvement comes as a result of the well-established and well-known work that IKEA does when it comes to diversity in the workplace.

The purpose of the day is to promote diversity and prevent discrimination, both of which IKEA has worked actively with over many years.

As well as the lecture by Johan Nestor, there will be information that will be provided by representatives from university services, such as the Office for Students with Disabilities, Study and Career Counselling, and Language Support. The services will have information tables at both campuses in the main hallways.

Diversity Day takes place on Wednesday, September 25, with Johan Nestor's lecture scheduled for 11.00 at Café Duett in Borlänge and 13.00 at the university library in Falun. Organising the event is Dalarna University's Diversity Office.

Activities are open to the public. Welcome!


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