New Committee at Dalarna University

The committee that was recently established at Dalarna University replaces three former committees - one for diversity, one for internationalisation, and one for environmental issues.
Teacher and students standing outside
The newly established committee will work with issues such as how teaching and research can influence students and society from a perspective of sustainability.

"Sustainable development is an issue that involves a number of perspectives. This is why we need a group of individuals with different professional competence to be represented when we discuss and put forth concrete initiatives and proposals for change," states Jörgen Elbe, Pro-Vice-Chancellor at Dalarna University, and now also Chairperson of the new committee.

The committee will have an advisory role for the Vice-Chancellor and in a more concrete way than the former committees, it will be active in producing planning needs, prioritising developmental efforts, and following up on measures taken. The hope with this new approach is that issues such as internationalisation, the environment, equality and diversity will be better integrated into regular activities within the organisation.

"We need a better system but we also need to up our tempo in the work we do with these issues. Time is of the essence when it comes to creating a good society within the limits of the planet," states Anton Grenholm, who works with environmental issues and who was involved in the establishment of the new committee.

The committee will make use of the United Nations Agenda 2030 in its work. The UN agenda addresses the challenges that humankind faces, such as poverty, hunger, human rights, equality, and the environment.

The university committee will look at direct issues, such as the environmental impact of business trips made by university staff, as well as indirect aspects, such as the way in which teaching and research can influence students and the world at large from a perspective of sustainability.

"The committee aims to allow for the exchange of knowledge and experiences between the different departments and organisations at the University. Within both teaching and research, I feel that there are advantages to be had by creating arenas for such an exchange when it comes to sustainablity issues," states Jörgen Elbe further.


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