Grammar Day - A Day of Learning

Short lectures on the subject of grammar, a quiz and a special cake just for the day. Together these recognised Grammar Day, the aim of which is to raise the status of grammar and spread the message that grammar is fun!
André Leblanc in the library in front of the projector screen
André Leblanc discussed job titles that are used in France for women.

Held at the library at Campus Falun, the event comprised five short lectures on the subject of grammar, each with a focus on a specific language. The day is one that is recognised by many universities, all with the goal of highlighting the importance of grammar.

"Grammar Day is required to raise the status of grammar and to spread the message that grammar is fun," says Charlotte Lindgren, Senior Lecturer in French and Educational Development in the School of Humanities and Media Studies.

In the library's Café Méli, a special Grammar Day cake was on the menu, while attendees were able to take part in a quiz where language was, of course, the focus.

Annelie Ädel giving her short lecture

Annelie Ädel talked on the theme of "Connecting Grammar and Rhetoric: The use of "It" To Postpone Heavy Chunks of Information"

One of the University's pods - Dupod - is a series of pods on the subject of educational development in higher education. Just prior to Grammar Day, it released two on the instruction of grammar:

Charlotte Lindgren samtalar med Lovisa Berg om grammatikundervisning inför Grammatikdagen 2019 (In Swedish)

Charlotte Lindgren samtalar med Nikita Mikhaylov om grammatikundervisning i ryska inför Grammatikdagen 2019 (In English)

"Grammar lets you own language. Language lets you own the world," stated Charlotte Lindgren.


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