Dalarna University New Member of Global Network for Doctoral Students

Dalarna University recently became a member of Global Challenges University Alliance (GCUA), which is a network for doctoral students and doctoral student supervisors. The network comprises universities from around the world who share the common vision of contributing to sustainable and global devel
Picture of two people representing Dalarna University.
Jörgen Elbe and Fatum Osman, Dalarna University. Madelene Håll

Central to Global Challenges University Alliance (GCUA 2030), which has a large number of member universities throughout the world, is the exchange of knowledge, research and experiences. Behind the GCUA 2030 initiative is the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), which is also in charge of its coordination. The aim of the network is to increase knowledge and interest among doctoral students in terms of sustainability issues.

– It’s really great that we too are now part of GCUA 2030. It’s very much due to our experience with net-based teaching and learning that SLU approached us to ask if we would like to join, since a great deal of our work is conducted digitally, explains Jörgen Elbe, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, who together with Fatumo Osman will represent Dalarna University in the network.

GCUA 2030 arranges and coordinates activities with researchers and students so that they together can learn more about how to deal with current global challenges. The aim is to design activities that can increase the knowledge and understanding of doctoral students while making it possible for them to establish contacts at the international level.

– First and foremost, it’s important that we facilitate opportunities for our doctoral students to gain international experience and make international contacts. As a member in the network, we can give our doctoral students and their supervisors access to some 20 exciting universities around the world. There they can get involved in activities that aim to increase interest in and knowledge about sustainability, states Fatumo Osman, Associate Professor in Nursing.

What this means for Dalarna University is further opportunities to build relations with other member universities.

– As a permanent member, we are also part of the network’s decision-making body, the General Assembly. This will allow us to have a voice in the ongoing development of the network. A long-term goal is that we increase our level of internationalisation, which is itself in keeping with the University’s strategy, states Jörgen Elbe.

Dalarna University is already working both to increase the knowledge among doctoral students in terms of sustainability in current courses and to get supervisors involved. Doctoral students can also take part in RECAST (Research Collegium for the Advancement of Sustainability), which is the University’s forum and seminar series for researchers and doctoral students who are interested in the subject of sustainability.

Facts: GCUA 2030

  • The main goal of GCUA 2030 is to increase the capacity of partners to contribute to Agenda 2030 and meet the goals for sustainable development through international collaboration.
  • The network is funded by the Foundation for the Internationalisation of Higher Education and Research (STINT) 2021–2023.
  • An important goal is to provide the next generation of researchers, teachers and academic leaders with knowledge, tools and networks that will strengthen their ability to work across disciplines and conduct research.

Learn more about the network: GCUA 2030 | External Web (slu.se)


Fatumo Osman
Associate Professor
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