Better Lightbulbs Can Save Energy in Tanzania

Saving energy and money in schools in Tanzania through different means was the focus of one recent study conducted by a Dalarna University student, who presented his results at the university on Monday.

Karim Elbana taking a group picture outside a building."I am 99 percent pleased with my work and happy that I had the chance to find out how people on the other side of the world live and how their way of life affects their energy consumption," states Karim Elbana, who conducted this cross-disciplinary study.

By way of measurements and interviews at a boarding school in Tanzania, Karim Elbana was able to establish the connection between the amount of electricity its system generates and the amount used. The study shows that certain activities at the school demand a great deal of electricity compared with other activities.

Thanks to this study, the school has learnt what it needs to do to have its electricity system function over a long period. Instead of expanding the system with more solar energy, the school can, for example, swap out inefficient lightbulbs and achieve the same effect at a much lower cost.

In total, seven students, all of whom are taking the Master's Programme in Solar Energy Engineering at Dalarna University, presented their theses.

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