
Thesis Defence: Madelen Lagin

Madelen Lagin will defend her thesis entitled "The Price We Pay – The Autonomy of Store Managers in Making Price Decisions"

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Date: , kl 10:00
Location: Örebro university, Hörsal L2
Locale: Örebro

Author of the Thesis: The Price We Pay – The Autonomy of Store Managers in Making Price Decisions"

Subject Field: Business Studies

External Reviewer: Ulf Johansson, Professor, Lund University

Examining Committee:
Sara Rosengren, Professor, Stockholm School of Economics
Einar Iveroth, Docent, Uppsala University
Daniela Andrén, Docent, Örebro University

Chairperson: Tobias Johansson, Associate Professor, School of Economics

Last reviewed: