Course NA1027

International Economics, E-learning

7.5 Credits
First Cycle

Main field of study: Economics

The course has no instances planned right now

Learning outcomes for the course

This course presents basic economic theories on international trade and international finance. The purpose is that after completion of the course the student will:

- Understand the cause and effects of international trade and economic integration
- Understand the cause and effects of implementing different types of barriers to international trade
- Understand the functions of the exchange market, the link between interest rates and exchange rates and the link between prices and exchange rates
- Follow the general debate on different aspects of international economics
- Have a rudimentary knowledge of economic theory for further development through higher level courses for a degree majoring in economics.

The student will acquire knowledge of:

- What determines a country’s comparative advantages
- The welfare effects of different types of trade barriers
- Terms such as ; free trade areas, custom unions, balance of payments, current account, etc.
- Company alternatives regarding the management of exchange risk exposure.
- How exchange rate fluctuations affect trade flows
- The different types of exchange rate systems