Course GJP23X

Japanese: Academic Writing and Research Methodology

15 Credits
First Cycle

Main field of study: Japanese

The course has no instances planned right now

Learning outcomes for the course

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • formulate a clear project description, with a relevant theoretical approach and discussion of methodology, for a viable research project related to Japanese language, literature or culture
  • collect and critically examine material relevant to the project
  • write different types of academic text, such as an abstract, a review, a popular science summary, or a scientific article
  • account for basic research methods in linguistics, cultural anthropology, translation studies and literature, in a Japanese context
  • analyze the arguments used in academic texts in Japanese in detail and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these arguments
  • discuss and explain the concepts of academic plagiarism and integrity
  • give constructive criticism of the work of another and respond to the criticism of theirs in an objective way.