Research Project: Sources of knowledge and reserach use in nursing practice - effects of implementing a computerized decision-support system.

Project leader
Anna Ehrenberg
Project Members
Lars Wallin
Britt-Marie Ygge, Kvinnors och barns hälsa Karolinska Institutet
Project Period
Project Status
The purpose of this research project is to expand our knowledge about the sources of knowledge that nurses use in their clinical practice and how to support clinical decisions in nursing so that they are more evidence based. The specific aims of the project are (1) to explore the preferred sources of knowledge among nurses in paediatric care and their use of research in clinical practice (2) to evaluate effects on nursing performance and patient outcomes of introducing evidence-based clinical guidelines for intra-venous therapy using electronic decision support, and (3) to study the process of implementing the computerized decision-support system (CDSS) and the impact of contextual factors in that process.
Research Profile
Health and Social Welfare
Caring Science/Nursing
Nationella forskarskolan i vård och omsorg, Karolinska Institutet