
Degree Thesis in Materials Technology

30 Credits
Second Cycle
School of Information and Engineering
Subject field
Materials Technology (MPA)
Group of Subjects
Materials Technology
Disciplinary Domain
Technology, 100%
This course can be included in the following main field(s) of study
Materials Technology1
Progression indicator within (each) main field of study
Approved, 28 May 2020.
This syllabus is valid from 19 August 2020.

Learning Outcomes

The goal of the degree thesis course is for students to apply and develop in depth knowledge, capabilities and understanding in the main field of study, Materials Technology, by producing either a piece of research or a piece of work that is industrial in character.

More specifically, the aim is that students, upon completion of the course, will be able to:

  • independently identify and formulate issues in the main field of study, Materials Technology
  • independently plan and complete, using suitable methods, the thesis in a scientific way
  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the main field of study, Materials Technology, that includes both an overview of the field of study and in depth knowledge of certain parts of the field of study, as well as insight into current research and development work
  • critically and systematically analyse and evaluate the results obtained in the thesis and compare the research outcomes with current research and existing data
  • document the work in a systematic way in a written report in which the conclusions correspond to initial research questions and objectives
  • present and defend their thesis orally
  • critically examine and discuss another Materials Technology Master’s thesis by providing constructive criticism in both spoken and written form
  • identify their need for further knowledge and take responsibility for their knowledge development

Course Content

Students complete the thesis independently, building on previously acquired knowledge in the main field of study, Materials Technology. The thesis can be either industrial or academic, national or international.
Based on a research question in the main field of study, Materials Technology, the student must formulate the thesis goals and purpose. Furthermore, students complete a literature study that contributes to the acquisition of in depth knowledge about current research and development in the main field of study.
The objectives, purpose, chosen research method and literature study are then presented at an introductory seminar and approved by the examiner before the work can continue with the collection of data, analysis and conclusions.
The results that are obtained are then discussed with a basis in the knowledge acquired from previous studies in the main field of study and from the literature study. Appropriate conclusions are to be drawn based on the research results and objectives of the thesis.
Finally, the student is responsible for documenting the thesis work in a scientific report and for defending the work orally at a closing seminar. The seminar also includes the peer-review of another student’s master thesis, which is presented on the same occasion.


Oral and written presentation of research question at an introductory seminar, 1 Credit (U-G)
Oral and written opposition of another student’s master thesis work at a seminar, 1 Credit (U-G)
Written report and oral presentation of the master thesis work at a seminar, 28 Credits (U-G)

Forms of Study

Independent thesis work, carried out by one or two students, supervised by teachers from the subject Materials Technology at Dalarna University.


The Swedish grades U–G.


  • 60 credits second level whereof 30 credits in the Main Field of Study Materials Technology

Other Information

Supervision by a person external to the subject is possible upon approval by the examiner.
If two students work on the thesis together, it must be clear in the report which part of the work has been done by which student so that an individual grade can be set.
There must be regular discussions with the supervisor that are initiated by the student.