Doctoral Course FHV0001

General Principles of Scientific Work: Introductory Course

7.5  Credits
Third Cycle

The course has no instances planned right now

Learning outcomes for the course

The principal objective of this course is to introduce students to the theory of science and knowledge, and to the role of the researcher within society. It also aims to provide students with knowledge and understanding in terms of research ethics, systematic information-seeking and scientific communication.

After completing the course, the postgraduate student shall be able to:
Knowledge and understanding

  • demonstrate familiarity with the classical theory of science and knowledge, and the development of theories
  • explain the knowledge-theoretical and philosophical bases in the choice of research design related to his/her own field of study and research field
  • outline Swedish regulations and guidelines in terms of research ethics and the integrity of the researcher
  • discuss, in a critical manner, various genres of scientific communication and publication processes/models
  • demonstrate familiarity with data processing: open data and open access

Skills and abilities

  • reflect on and argue for various research designs related to his/her own research questions and thesis focus, as well as those of his/her peers
  • identify and assess the issues related to research ethics in various study designs
  • establish a search strategy and in a systematic matter search for information in a library’s digital information sources
  • examine and assess, in a critical manner, both the process of seeking scientific information and the quality of retrieved information

Judgement and approach

  • demonstrate an awareness of the ethical responsibility of the researcher and ethical aspects in relation to his/her own planned thesis