Programme syllabus

International Tourism Management180 Credits

Programme code
David Scott
Approved by the University Faculty Board, 19 December 2016.
Valid from Autumn semester .

1. Objectives of the Educational Programme

1.1 Objectives, as Specified in the Higher Education Act (1992:1434), Chapter 1, 8 §:

First-cycle courses and study programmes shall be based fundamentally on the knowledge acquired by pupils in national study programmes in the upper-secondary schools or its equivalent.

First-cycle courses and study programmes shall develop:
- the ability of students to make independent and critical assessments
- the ability of students to identify, formulate and solve problems autonomously, and
- the preparedness of students to deal with changes in working life.

In addition to knowledge and skills in their field of study, students shall develop the ability to:
- gather and interpret information at a scholarly level
- stay abreast of the development of knowledge, and
- communicate their knowledge to others, including those who lack specialist knowledge in the field.

1.2 Degree Objectives, as Specified in the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100), Appendix 2:

 For a Degree of Bachelor of Arts/Science the student shall:

Knowledge and understanding
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the main field of study, including knowledge of the disciplinary foundation of the field, understanding of applicable methodologies in the field, specialized study in some aspect of the field as well as awareness of current research issues.

Competence and skills
- demonstrate the ability to search for, gather, evaluate and critically interpret the relevant information for a formulated problem and also discuss phenomena, issues and situations critically
- demonstrate the ability to identify, formulate and solve problems autonomously and to complete tasks within predetermined time frames
- demonstrate the ability to present and discuss information, problems and solutions in speech and writing and in dialogue with different audiences, and
- demonstrate the skills required to work autonomously in the main field of study.

Judgement and approach
- demonstrate the ability to make assessments in the main field of study informed by relevant disciplinary, social and ethical issues
- demonstrate insight into the role of knowledge in society and the responsibility of the individual for how it is used, and
- demonstrate the ability to identify the need for further knowledge and ongoing learning.

1.3 Objectives of the Programme

 1.3 Objectives of the programme
The tourism program aims to prepare students to have enough knowledge and understanding to be able to independently and critically work with planning, development and economically related issues within tourism and destination development.

After completed the programme the student should be able to:

 Knowledge and understanding
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding of tourism, travel and destination planning and development from different disciplinary perspectives
- demonstrate knowledge of the role of tourism in society from a national and international perspective
- demonstrate an insight in business administration, marketing and economics and its application to tourism and destination development

Skills and abilities
- perform and communicate destination development analyses
- perform spatial analyses using GIS (geographical information systems)
- establishing a business plan for an organisation
- conduct market analyses using quantitative and qualitative methods
- assess opportunity costs for developing a destination

Judgement and approach
- demonstrate ability to apply relevant theories and methods in analyses of issues in destination development
- demonstrate insight of the role tourism plays in society, in globalization and economic development.
- identify areas where further research and development of new knowledge in the field of tourism is needed.

2. Main Structure of the Programme

 International Tourism Management programme is a broad tourism programme leading to a Bachelor of Science degree in Tourism Studies after successful completion of three years full time studies.
Each semester has a focus, relevant for the aim of the programme. The thematic semesters consist of:
Semester 1 Introduction to Tourism and Destination Development
Semester 2 Tourism Management
Semester 3 Tourism Analysis and Statistics
Semester 4 Destination Planning and Development
Semester 5 Elective courses or studies abroad at a partner university
Semester 6 Tourism Research Methodology and Thesis

The program is built with the academic discipline of tourism studies at centre. The progression throughout the program is assured by successively more advanced courses in the main field of tourism studies. This is also reflected in a prerequisite for the student to have achieved a certain level of course credits in order to be able to continue on a higher level in the programme.

The first and second semester introduces the students to tourism and society and to economics and economic geography as well as tourism management and business administration including marketing.

Semester three introduces the students to analyses using statistics and geographical information systems (GIS), the latter specifically addressing spatial and market analyses. The use of maps and graphs in communicating results is also part of the course work during this semester. Semester four further develops the knowledge within tourism studies towards destination planning and development and the aims of the program. This is accomplished by working with cases.

In semester 5, students have the opportunity to broaden their knowledge by studying at one of Dalarna University’s partner universities. The students themselves are responsible for finding relevant courses within a field that will serve to develop their knowledge and understanding, as well as their international perspective. Those students who choose not to pursue studies at a partner university are required to choose from the courses offered at Dalarna University. In the last semester of the program, students will extended their knowledge in tourism theory and research methodology and the programme is concluded by independently writing a thesis within the field of tourism.

The courses combine lectures, seminars and contact with the Tourism Industry through guest lectures and study visits, group-or case work. Examination is done through written examinations, seminars and participation in group work.

3. Courses of the Programme


he courses in the last semester are level 2 courses plus the Service Management course. All other courses are level 1 courses.

Year 1
Introduction to Tourism and Destination Development, 15 credits, (Tourism Studies)
Tourism and society, 7,5 credits, (Tourism Studies)
Spatial and economic aspects of tourism, 7,5 credits, (Tourism Studies)

Management Accounting, basic, 7,5 credits, (Business Administration)
Tourism Marketing, 7,5 credits, (Business Administration)
Organizational Theory, 7,5 credits, (Business Administration)
Tourism economics I, 7,5 credits, (Economics)

Year 2
Introduction to GIS, 7,5 credits, (Tourism Studies)
Data Analysis and Statistics, 7,5 credits, (Statistics)
GIS applied to Market Analyses, 15 credits (Tourism Studies)

Resources and Products for Tourism 7,5 credits (Tourism Studies)
Service Management, 7,5 credits, (Tourism Studies)
Sustainable Destination Planning and Development, 15 credits, (Tourism Studies)

Year 3
Tourism Studies abroad, comprising 30 credits,
Alternatively, 30 credits elective courses

Level 2 courses
Research Methodology 15 credits (Tourism studies)
Bachelor Thesis 15 credits (Tourism studies)

4. Degree Awarded

Degree of Bachelor of Science, Main Field of Study: Tourism Studies. (Filosofie kandidatexamen, huvudområde: Turismvetenskap.)  

5. Required Entry Qualifications

  • General entry requirements and Mathematics 2a or 2b or 2c, English 6, Social Sciences 1b or 1a1+1a2. Exemption from Swedish can be given.

6. Other Information

The name of the programme can after request, be written in the degree certificate, if the students have fulfilled 150 credits of the courses in the programme syllabus. The courses Research Methodology (15 credits) and Bachelor Thesis (15 credits) must be included within these 150 credits.