Programme syllabus

Master of Arts in Secondary Education - Upper Secondary School300 - 330 Credits

Programme code
Göran Morén
Approved by the Faculty Board of Teacher Education, 23 February 2011.
This syllabus comes into force 01 August 2011.
Revised, 07 March 2014.
Revision is valid from 07 March 2014.

1. Objectives of the Educational Programme

1.1 Objectives, as Specified in the Higher Education Act (1992:1434), Chapter 1, 8 §:

1.2 Degree Objectives, as Specified in the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100), Appendix 2:

1.3 Objectives of the Programme

2. Main Structure of the Programme

3. Courses of the Programme

4. Degree Awarded

5. Required Entry Qualifications

  • För antagning till ämneslärarprogrammet krävs utöver grundläggande behörighet för högskolestudier områdesberhörighet 6, samt den särskilda behörighet som gäller för de undervisningsämnen som ingår i den valda utbildningen.

Programme tracks