Share Your Knowledge

Dalarna University has regular contact with the media, part of which is to offer and communicate expert commentary to journalists.

Within the Institution, there is already staff who have shown interest to be an expert commentator for their area – see, for example, energy experts (in Swedish).  Additional expert commentators are needed, especially with current hot topics such as AI, the environment and sustainability.

Prerequisites to become an expert commentator

One is that you feel motivate to be an expert commentator and that you can make time; you do not of course have to be available all the time.

Another is that you want to be a good ambassador for both the University and your area, that you can explain complex concepts and events in a simple way.

To help you, the communicators within the Communications Department can coach and support you with tips prior to media contact.

Do you want to join the expert list?

If so, write a brief overview of your expertise and which issues you can be a spokesperson for; also include which languages ​​you feel comfortable communicating in.

Send your text to, adding "Expert" in the subject line.

Dalarna University in the Media (in Swedish)

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