Before Your Vacation

Before leaving for your summer vacation, it is important that you set things up at work so that you can leave work completely behind you for a few weeks.

Request Vacation Time in Primula

Remember that if you are going to be away from work, you need to put in a request in Primula. (Note that if you are a teacher or doctoral student, HR sets the dates for you). 


Telephone Redirection and Email Automatic Response

You need to redirect your phone line and set up an automatic response on your email so that the University can continue to provide good service and good information to incoming callers looking to communicate with you. Note that if somebody calls you on a linked mobile telephone number, the redirection will not take place. 

Redirect (forward) your phone number on If you have not set your own login password, log in with your extension (last four digits of your phone number) and leave the password field blank.

How do I add an automatic response to Outlook? (Information in Swedish)

Manage Invoices

Supplier invoices must be approved and authorised in time so that the University avoids having to pay any late payment charges. 

To approve and authorise supplier invoices from somewhere outside the University, log in the same way as you normally do. Note, however, that when logging in via the portal, the user-ID (användar-ID) may end up in the Client field. To access Agresso, you will need to change this to DU:

Skärmdump inloggningsruta Agresso

If you want another colleague to approve or certify in Agresso during your absence, please contact and provide the following information:  

  • Name of the colleague
  • The date from and until the colleague will act in this capacity

Report and Certify Grades

If you are a teacher or an examiner, remember to report and certify all grades in Ladok. Remember that if you are reporting grades, you must also notify the examiner. 

Vacation and Sickness

If you get sick while on vacation, you need to report this in the same way as you would normally report being sick while at work. If you report being sick at a later date, you must prove you were sick with a note from your doctor/other medical documentation even if you were sick for fewer than seven calendar days. You have the right to reclaim your lost vacation days at a later date, provided you reported your sickness to the University.

Support during the summer

For a while, the university will be supporting three campuses due to the move-in/move-out at Campus Borlänge. This may result in longer response times during the vacation period.

Vacation: important information

Rules and regulations for vacation can be found in the semesterlagen and in your collective agreement.

  • Your vacation pay is equivalent to your regular salary plus a vacation supplement.
  • You must take at least 20 vacation days each year.
  • You may have a maximum of 30 saved vacation days.
  • An extended period of sick leave can affect your number of paid vacation days.
  • If you get sick while on vacation, you need to report this in the same way as you would normally report being sick while at work. 
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