Anna-Lena Berglund

Personlig presentation av Anna-Lena Berglund

Lecturer Industrial Economics
Industrial Engineering and Management School of Information and Engineering
Doctoral Student Industrial Economics
Industrial Engineering and Management School of Information and Engineering

Research: Circular economy within the construction industry - Case studies.

In progress: socio-technical system analysis, driving forces for circular economi.

Teaching areas: industrial economy, business management and development.  Supervisor for industrial economy thesis students. 


Council for Sustainable Development


Education: Master in Pedagogy, University Pedagogics diploma, Master in International Management, Bachelor in Business Administration, specialisation within CSR, Diploma in Quality Technology

Experience: Upper secondary teacher in Business Administration, Adjunct in Quality Technology, Resource manager in electronic industry, line manager in manufacturing industry

Qualified auditor in Quality, Environment and Business Environment (ISO)


Undergraduate courses: industrial economy, business management and development. Cirkular economy and sustaiable management.

Programme Director

Course Coordinator


Socio-technical system analysis, driving forces for circular economic transformation in the construction industry.

Circular economy within the construction industry - Case studies.