Marie Elf

Personlig presentation av Marie Elf

Professor Nursing
Department of Nursing 2 School of Health and Welfare

I dedicate most of my time to research and lead our active research group. Additionally, I supervise theses at all levels, from undergraduate to doctoral. I collaborate with regions and municipalities to develop and implement person-centred approaches.


I am a Professor of Nursing at Dalarna University, Department of Nursing. I lead the research group "Environment, Technology, and Participation." With a background as a registered nurse and a PhD in Architecture, I have worked in several interdisciplinary academic environments, including nursing, architecture, and healthcare research.

Since obtaining my doctorate, I have dedicated my research to contributing knowledge about the built environment and its impact on the health and well-being of older adults and people with stroke. Today, I combine my expertise in nursing and healthcare environments in my research. I lead several projects focused on home care and rehabilitation for individuals with declining health.

My research includes person-centered care, participation, and support for self-care, always focusing on how the environment is perceived and experienced. Does it promote or hinder?


I teach in the nursing program at both undergraduate and advanced levels, as well as at the doctoral training level. I am an examiner in courses within the nursing program. My primary contributions are supervising thesis projects and mentoring doctoral students.

