In 2020-2021, the University underwent organisational and structural changes that aimed to create the best conditions for achieving the goals outlined in the university strategy. One of these goals relates to the schools at the University: instead of three schools with six research profiles, there are now five schools with a cohesive structure of management for both education and research. The work that remains will focus on the development of the six cohesive academic environments.
The placement of employees in the respective cohesive academic environments will provide better opportunity for even more creativity and development.
Several decisions have been made that will guide where they will be located. For example, it has already been decided that the cohesive academic environment for information and technology will be located at the new Campus Borlänge and that the cohesive academic environment for health and welfare will be located at Campus Falun.
Decision-Making Process
A decision-making process is now in place. Data is currently being collected, after which several alternatives will be presented based on the framework for decisions in place. In June 2023, the University Governing Board will decide on the location of each cohesive academic environment, after which a relocation plan for those departments affected will be drawn up. The actual move will take place in 2024. Heading the process is Elisabeth Daunelius upon assignment by University Director, Katarina Johansson.
Information about the Process
Employees will receive information on the staff website (medarbetarwebben) about the work as it progresses. They will also be invited to attend information meetings. In addition, information will be provided at meetings attended by representatives from the schools: for example, the meetings of the Advisory Councils to the Schools (Institutionsledningsråd - IL). Continuous information will also be provided in accordance with the Co-determination Act (Medbestämmandelagen – MBL).
Employees will have the opportunity to submit their views: please see this schedule.
- November–December: Collecting of data that may influence the decision-making process.
- January: Summary of the pros and cons of different proposals. Alternatives drawn up based on the given framework.
- February: Opportunity to put forward views on the proposed alternatives.
- March: Review of referral responses (remissvar).
- April–May: Initial proposal.
- May–June: Final proposal.
- June: The University Governing Board decides on the location of the cohesive academic environments.
- Relocation takes place.
Opportunity to voice your opinion
If you have any other thoughts that you think are important in this fact-gathering, please contact Elisabeth Danuelius,, Process Manager.