Negotiation on the location of the cohesive academic environments

During the referral period, eight collective and several individual responses were submitted. The next step now is negotiation at MBL, which aims to arrive at a decision on the location of the environments at the next meeting of the University Governing Board.
A person with a laptop on his lap.
The long-term goal is that the cohesive academic environments be located according to their education and research focus in both the current and future campuses. Anna Hermansson

There has been discussion with the unions throughout the process and on 24 May, information was made available about the upcoming negotiation. During the referral period, a risk analysis was conducted.

The proposal that will be negotiated means that the cohesive academic environments will be located at the same campus according to their education and research focus. The departments in the School of Culture and Society will be located together with the exception of the Department of Media Production, which itself forms a cohesive academic environment. The proposal therefore is that the subjects philosophy, history, religious studies, sociology and political science move to the new Campus Borlänge where they can work as a cohesive academic environment.

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