Employee Performance Meeting

Once a year, you have the opportunity to have an employee performance meeting with your immediate manager.

The employee performance meeting must be structured and prepared according to the available templates: see Employee Professional Development Plan and Employee Performance Meeting: Question Guide.

What are your goals – current and future?

Before you meet your immediate manager, you should consider such things as how much you enjoy your work duties, how you think you contribute to the University’s goals, and how you see your future professional development.

If you are a manager, you must be prepared to provide constructive individual feedback and suggestions for competence development to the employee.

Remember to book the meeting well in advance so that there is time to prepare for it. The meetings take place in the spring semester.

The Development Plan

After the meeting, the manager and employee draw up an individual development plan. This will form the basis for the employee’s work over the coming year and will be followed up at the next annual employee performance meeting.

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Office of Human Resources
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