Outbound exchange students

Dalarna University has not yet closed the door for outbound student exchange during the autumn semester 2020.

According to new information from the EU Commission, all Erasmus+ Exchange students will be able to start the autumn semester 2020 online and still be recognized as Exchange students. As it looks now, the Erasmus stipend can only be awarded for time spent abroad at the Partner University, but new guidelines might still come regarding the stipend and online studies.

No one knows what the situation will look like at the end of the summer, but this is what we do know

  • The Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs must lift their restriction of non-essential travelling for you to be able to go. The current restriction is valid until the 15 of July.
  • The country you are travelling to must not have any travel-restrictions on inbound travel.
  • Your Partner University must welcome incoming exchange students, online or at campus. Be sure to keep updated via their web page since new decisions and guidelines come with short notice.
  • It is very important that you keep updated on the situation in the country and at the university where you plan to spend your exchange, to be able to make a well informed decision whether or not to go. You will find information on the partner university web page, and via the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs at swedenabroad.se where you can select your country and find local information.

For those of you who have been on exchange VT2020

If you would like to apply for another exchange period due to the fact that you had to cancel your time abroad, please send an e-mail to ioffice@du.se as soon as possible but no later than 17th of August 2020. Explain in your e-mail how the outbreak of the corona-virus affected your exchange semester, and how another exchange semester would fit into your study plan. Programme students must attach a new recommendation form from the programme coordinator.

For those of you nominated for HT2020

If you are concerned to go due to the situation with Corona and Covid 19, you have two options:

  • You can cancel you exchange. If that is the case, send an e-mail to ioffice@du.se no later than 17th of August, and we will contact your partner university. If you already have made private arrangements regarding accommodation etc, you must make sure to cancel that yourself.
  • You can look into the possibility to postpone the exchange to the spring semester 2021.
    If you are concerned to go this autumn, but would like to postpone your application to spring 2021, please let us know via an e-mail to ioffice@du.se no later than 17th of August 2020. We will contact your partner university to see if it is possible to postpone your nomination. Programme students must attach a new recommendation form from your programme coordinator.
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