Tarja Alatalo

Personlig presentation av Tarja Alatalo

Professor Educational Work
Educational Work 1 School of Teacher Education
Deputy Head of School, Research
School of Teacher Education

As Deputy Head of the School of Education with special responsibility for research, I head the strategic development of research, the aim of which is to strengthen Teacher Education. As Professor, I head research within the field of Educational Work, and work with our doctoral programme.

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Since gaining my Doctoral Degree in Educational Work from the University of Gothenburg in 2011, I have taught courses in Teacher Education and worked as a researcher at Dalarna University. With my research focus on Educational Work, I have focussed on questions relating to the work in schools, preschool and preschool class. Before embarking on an academic career, I was a primary school teacher for ten years.


Currently, I teach courses that focus on language and literacy on the University’s Doctoral Programme in Educational Work as well as its programmes in Primary and Preschool Teacher Education. I also teach commissioned professional development courses for practising teachers. Prior to this, I gained extensive experience in course management by teaching Swedish didactics courses that were part of the University’s programme in Primary School Teacher Education, doctoral-level courses and other courses that focus on core elements in the Educational Sciences. I also supervise both master’s and doctoral students.

Course Coordinator


I work with researchers from Sweden and other Nordic countries. In one research project, we study how literacy is taught in different subject areas in the preschool class as well as ways in which to develop teaching. In other projects, we study teacher qualifications in mathematics and Swedish, grades 3 and 6; reading and reading motivation in grades 6 and 9; and reading aloud and writing in preschool.
