Reasons for having a research group webpage:
- It helps external target audiences to learn about your research and the expert competence of your research group.
- It attracts collaborative partners by leading external contacts to the webpage.
- It provides information about the research being done within your university school by presenting the work of the research group in a clear and consistent way.
The research group webpages are meant to provide information to external target groups. Keep in mind that it is up to group members to actively direct external target groups to the webpage by letting them know that it exists.
Examples of Research Group Webpages
These two webpages are structured according to the instructions given below:
- Research group: Literature in Socity, in English
- Research group: Forskargrupp om smärta - DU/Pain, in Swedish
- Research group: Miljö, teknik och delaktighet i vård och omsorg, in Swedish
"Each research environment at the University has a basis in a research group comprising teachers and researchers that has acquired resources so that it can conduct research and work within the framework of one or more research programmes."
Create a Webpage
Follow these four steps to create a webpage about your research group. Also follow them when you need to update an existing webpage that was not created in line with the instructions for structure given here.
1. Answer Four Questions
Is your group a research group?
To have a webpage, your research group must be established: that is to say, it must conduct research in some type of organised form under a common name and must be recognised as such a grouping within your university school (by the Head of School (prefekt)).
Who are the research group's primary target groups?
Your research group’s webpage is for external target groups. Write down the group’s primary target groups and discuss within your research group the needs and interests these target groups have that relate to your work and how to let them know about your research group.
How often do you plan to update the webpage?
Within your research group, discuss how you want to use the webpage, how often you plan to update it and what information it should provide.
If you are going to need to update your webpage on a regular basis (i.e., several times per semester), you should appoint one person to take the web editor training. That person will then have editorial access to your webpage.
For example, if you want to provide information about upcoming seminars on your webpage, then you will need to make regular updates. This is an example of a reason why one group member needs to take the web editor training, since then they will be able to make the updates themselves.
Most research groups create webpages that go unchanged over long periods and that are only updated when there are new research projects, publications, members and collaborative partners that need to be added. It is the research group that is responsible for ensuring that the information on the webpage is always both correct and up-to-date.
Who is responsible for the factual information on the webpage?
One person should ensure the accuracy of the factual information on the webpage. The webpage should be reviewed at least once a year. In most cases, it is the head of the research group who is appointed as the person in charge of the accuracy of the factual information.
2. Contact the Office of Marketing and Communication
If you want to create a webpage for your research group, contact the Office of Marketing and Communication. Include short answers to the four questions in Step 1 above.
3. Follow the Instructions for Content
After contacting the Office of Marketing and Communication, your research group creates content using the instructions below. It is important that all webpages about research groups follow the structure so that it is easier for external target groups to read and understand their content.
If you need to, provide content in English on the corresponding English webpage.
4. Publish the Webpage
Contact the Office of Marketing and Communication when you have developed content following the instructions, and somebody there will help you to publish your webpage.
Update the Webpage
If you need to update the webpage, contact the Office of Marketing and Communication. Remember always to follow the instructions for content. If there will be regular updates to the webpage (several times per semester), then a group member needs to be appointed as editor and learn how to publish a webpage. The Office of Marketing and Communication provides web editor training to research group members. After taking the training, members gain editorial access to the webpage.
Instructions for Structure and Content
Use the structure as described so that you meet the requirements relating to accessibility, plain language, mobile screens and navigation. By presenting themselves in a uniform manner, research groups will also facilitate access and readability for external target groups.
Name of the Research Group
Use the name of your Research Team for the main heading on your webpage (about 70 characters).
Use this name in all communication. Avoid abbreviations and feel free to contact the Department of Marketing and Communication if you want help with a name.
Introductory Paragraph (Ingress)
The introductory paragraph should be a maximum of 300 characters (this includes spaces). This is about 2-3 sentences.
- It should describe the main focus of the research group in a style that a general audience understands (popular science).
- The introductory paragraph will almost always appear with the page title. Therefore, there is no need to repeat the page title in this paragraph.
- Be sure the paragraph includes keywords: this will help the user determine right away if it is the right page for them.
About the Research Group
Use about 1 500 characters (this includes spaces) for this text.
- Describe the focus of your research, preferably using popular science language, and the reason your research is important.
- Include information that will be relevant over time. Avoid going into detail about specific projects and avoid complicated information.
- For example, describe the subjects the research involves, the expertise and competence the research group has, and the collaboration opportunities that exist.
- Give each piece of information its own paragraph and keep each paragraph concise (5–6 lines on a computer).
- Structured this way, it will be easier for a reader to gain an overview of your webpage and understand how to read it. Remember to vary the sentence length and to avoid abbreviations and acronyms. Use subheadings if necessary.
The Office of Marketing and Communication will help you to find a photo that visualises the research group.
Research Group Members
Enter the first and last name of each group member from Dalarna University and indicate the main contact person for the group. Do not enter contact details as these are automatically generated from a database.
If external researchers have a significant role in the group, enter their name, title, subject, university and email address.
Research Projects
Provide the name, link and start date of the research project that the research group is working on.
Chronic pain and the development of cardiovascular disease
Project start: 01-09-2020
Provide the names of the most recent ten articles related to your research group in the following format: the authors’ first and last names; the title of the article; where it was published and in which year; and a link to the article in DiVA.
Dahlberg, Lena, McKee, Kevin, Frank, Amanda, Naseer, Mahwish. A systematic review of longitudinal risk factors for loneliness in older adults, Aging & Mental Health, 2021.
Give the names of your collaborative partners: for example, the names of higher education institutions and organisations (public, private, non-profit).
Type the name of the organisation and provide a link to its webpage.
Julie Bernhardt and colleagues. Florey Institute, Melbourne: project “The NoVELL redesign project”
List the research funding bodies that support your research group.
KK Foundation (KK-stiftelsen)
If you want to provide information about upcoming seminars on your webpage, then you will need to make regular updates. This is an example of when you will need one group member to take the web editor training so that they can then make the updates themselves.
It may be a better idea to add your seminars and other events to the University’s calendar.
Calendar Events on the University’s Home Page (
If you want to include an event (for example, a seminar) in the University’s calendar, then it must be open for everyone to attend. Follow these steps:
- Write the title of the seminar (event), a brief explanation of what it is about, who the intended audience is and who will attend. Also include practical information, such as date, time, place, registration requirements (if any), and a link to a digital room (if any).
- Contact
Calendar on the Research Group Webpage
Write the title of the seminar (event), a brief explanation of what it is about, who the intended audience is and who will attend. Also include practical information, such as date, time, place, registration requirements (if any), and a link to a digital room (if any).
Conference “With Children and Family in Focus”
The Research Centre for Reproductive, Infant and Child Health (RICH) invites you to a conference with the theme “With children and family in focus: a conference on needs, dilemmas and opportunities”. Researchers in the field will present their various projects.
The conference is intended for people who work with children, adolescents and families in the regions of Dalarna and Gävleborg, as well as researchers and other people with an interest in the field.
Date: 28 April 2022 at 08:00 - 16:30
Place: Gruvan Falun