ORCID - Open Researcher & Contributor ID

ORCID is a unique international identifier for researchers. Researchers at Dalarna University are strongly encouraged to create an ORCID ID as a means of ensuring correct attribution of research publications.

What is ORCID?

  • ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID) is an international and unique digital identifier for researchers.
  • Researchers at Dalarna University are encouraged to acquire ORCID.
  • There is no cost for the individual researcher to use ORCID.
  • The Swedish Research Council's application and management system Prisma requires the use of ORCID.
  • ORCID is used both for applications and with publications in both Sweden as well as other countries. Many publications and research financiers use ORCID.
  • ORCID is intended to accurately link researchers with their research publications.
  • ORCID remains with the researcher throughout his/her career regardless of name form, change of name, change of educational institute, relocation abroad, etc.
  • When registering publications in DiVA, ORCID can be specified.

Register for an ORCID

To register for an ORCID iD:

  1. Go to ORCID to register.
  2. Fill in your name and Dalarna University email address. Choose a password. Agree to the terms and click Register.
  3. Your ORCID comprises 16 digits and will often be presented as a link: for example, http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9669-0891.
  4. Under Employment please state Högskolan Dalarna.

Begin using your ORCID when you submit articles for publication and upon application for research funding.

Register ORCID

ORCID and current publications in DiVA

Do you require help linking your ORCID to your existing publications in DiVA? If so, please send your ORCID (16 digits) to the library.

ORCID and new publications in DiVA

Provide your ORCID in the designated field upon registration of a publication.

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