The Cultural Heritage of the Mining Industry as a Resource for Sustainable Societies: Lessons for Sweden from the Arctic

This project looks at a number of questions related to the mining industry and its cultural significance in terms of resources for sustainable societies.

There are a number of questions that the project examines:

  • What heritage does a mine leave behind it and in what way does its existence affect expectations among companies, in communities and within governments that come to depend on the mining industry?
  • How can the physical remnants of a mine's operations, in combination with its cultural and social significance, be resources in the planning of a future society in which mining is no longer central?

The main objective of the project is - by way of case studies from different areas of the Nordic Arctic - to increase understanding of the relationship between heritage after mining operations have ceased and the future of communities. A further objective is to formulate experiences that have direct relevance for discussions on the future of mining communities in the most northerly areas of Sweden.

Project Duration: 2017-2019
Project Leader: Dag Avango, KTH, Department of Philosophy and History, Kugnliga Tekniska Högskolan
Budget: 2,9 million sek

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