Innovation and entrepreneurship

Session in The 26th Nordic Symposium of Tourism and Hospitality Research

Tourism is a network industry in which firms are engaged in formal and informal relationships with other actors along and across the supply chain. Together, these actors compose the tourism destination and produce the total tourism product. Network structures enables firms to access knowledge, resources, markets and technologies. Thus utilizing links to other network actors has the potential to facilitate innovation and contribute to firm success. On the aggregate level, network structure and density influences the competitiveness and development of tourism destinations.

Network theory is interested in relational structure and it provides researchers with a set of analytical tools and techniques to the study of tourism related issues. Social Network Analysis in particular has the potential to unravel hidden structures and processes taking place in a hyper-connected world.

We welcome presentations of papers that demonstrate the application of network perspective on the study of tourism destinations, tourism experiences and tourism firms. In addition, research ideas, theoretical concepts and methodological discussions related to networks and tourism studies are warmly welcome. Below you find topic suggestions:

  • Social Network Analysis as a research tool, potential and limitations.
  • Networks as antecedents for knowledge transfer and innovation.
  • Linking marginal nodes
  • Facilitating firm connectivity.
  • Structure holes in and between tourism destinations.
  • The role of tourists as knowledge facilitators in networks.

Jonathan Yachin
School of Economics and Social Sciences
Dalarna University
SE 781 88 Borlänge

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