Research Project: Active school transport in Falun - part of Sustainable Innovations for Children Transporting Actively (SICTA 2.0)

Project leader
Annie Palstam
Project Members
Mathias Andersson
Elena Tseli
Anna-Karin Lindqvist, Luleå Tekniska Universitet
Stina Rutberg, Luleå Tekniska Universitet
Project Period
Project Status
Globally, as in Sweden, most children and young people do not achieve current guidelines for physical activity, ie 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day. This is very problematic and effective interventions which could turn around this negative development of increased inactivity in children and adolescents are lacking. Physical inactivity can create physical and mental problems and also reduces cognitive ability that affects learning. An attractive approach to physical activity in children is active school transport (cycling and walking); However, there are no scalable and sustainable interventions. Our school-based intervention was developed in a series of pilot studies based on social cognitive theory and include aspects of gamification and empowerment, ie that end users are involved and influence the content of the intervention. The ultimate vision is to implement the intervention to increase the proportion of active school transport among Swedish children from the current 52% to 80%. The initiative is related to Agenda 2030 and provides several potential benefits; improve children's health, reduce emissions from car traffic, reduce traffic risks near schools, some of society's biggest challenges and an important focus for research and policy prioritization. This project is closely related to the Active School Transport project with registration number 2021-00283, which operates at Luleå University of Technology.

The overall aim of this project is to assess the validity, feasibility and acceptability of the study protocol, to provide guidance for a full scale assessment of the school based intervention to promote active school transport in middle school children. This project involved children, parents and school staff at four schools in Falu County and is conducted in close collaboration with Falu municipality and Luleå University of Technology, and 14 other collaborators from authorities, business and academia.
fysisk aktivitet, aktiv skoltransport, barn, hållbar utveckling, validitet, genomförbarhet, hälsofrämjande, empowerment, gamification
Research Profile
Health and Social Welfare
Medical Science
Högskolan Dalarna