Research Project: Tackling Ageing Continence through Theory, Tools and Thechnology (TACT3)

Project leader
Project Members
Lena Dahlberg
Kevin McKee
Mary Gilhooly, Brunel University
Stuart Parker, Sheffield Institute for Studies on Ageing University of Sheffield
Project Period
Project Status
1.To compare specialist versus standard incontinence care in terms of patient and carer psychosocial, health, and service use outcomes.
2.To investigate the concordance in older peoples', carers' and health and social care professional's views on care approaches to continence management and incontinence service characteristics.

1.To compare health, psychosocial and service use outcomes for older people (and their family carers) who attend specialist continence clinics with those in receipt of standard continence care.
2.To investigate how older people with incontinence perceive the cause of their condition, and their attitudes to and perceived barriers to seeking help and treatment.
3.To determine the acceptability to people with Incontinence and their family carers of new technologies and different forms of continence interventions.
4.To investigate how older people with incontinence, and their family carers, perceive their health and social care service needs and the preferred characteristics of those services.

Study 1 - Patient interviews
Study 2 - Health and social care service manager interviews
Research Profile
Health and Social Welfare
Social Work

Economic and Social Research Council