Research projects

When the electric car moves in! - The social and technical potential with coordinated control of heat pumps and electric car charging in single-family homes

Homes' energy and power use are affected by the ongoing electrification of the car fleet as cars are charged at home.


This increases homes' electricity use and the risk of high power peaks with simultaneous use of large power consumers, which applies to homes with both electric car charging and heat pump. As network companies also introduce price models with fees based on power peaks, a need arises for households, who previously did not have to consider when they use electricity, to be able to control their use to keep costs down.

The project takes an interdisciplinary approach and examines both the technical and social potential of coordinated control of heat pumps and electric car charging in single family homes to reduce households' power peaks and costs for energy and power while considering the everyday practices of the residents. In collaboration with industry, increased knowledge and strategies for coordinated control is gained, which is useful for both industry and households.


Project overview
Project Leader
Carolina Hiller, RISE
Project period
2022-12-01 — 2024-12-15
Project status