DiVA is Dalarna University's publications database. It contains research publications and degree theses. As a doctoral student, researcher, or teacher at Dalarna University you are required to register your academic publications in DiVA.

What is DiVA?

DiVA is Dalarna University's publications database. DiVA contains research publications and degree theses produced by the university's doctoral students, researchers and students.

Publishing is done Open Access. This means that everyone has the right to read, cite, download and print what is published. However, to use a work, the author's permission is required. In DiVA, you as an author always retain the copyright to your work.

DiVA is a system used by 50 educational and research institutes in Sweden. All publications can be found using the search engine DiVA portal.

Uppsala University Library is responsible for maintaining and developing DiVA.

DiVA - Dalarna University

DiVA portal

What is the purpose of DiVA?

  • It is a platform for Dalarna University’s publications
  • It provides long-term storage for university publications and affords secure access to these
  • It distributes Dalarna University publications to other databases and search services
  • It is used for publication lists on the University's website
  • It is used as a basis for the allocation of research funds
  • It is used as a basis for bibliometrics – the statistical analysis of publications
Register your research publications

Each year, the University's research publications are included in the annual report. Register your publications in DiVA by 31 December.

Research publications

As a doctoral student, researcher, or teacher at Dalarna University you are required to register your academic publications in DiVA.

If permissible according to copyright and publisher agreements, you may publish your research Open Access in DiVA.

The Library reviews all publications that are registered, archived, and published in DiVA.

How do I register and publish a research publication in DiVA?

First you need to log in to DiVA.

Then there are two main ways:

  1. Manual registration
  2. Import references from another database

Make sure to complete:

  • Your username at Dalarna University in the field "Local user ID". It's often three letters, such as rbo.
  • The School under which you are employed and academic subject in the field "Department, unit or program". Alternatively fill in the field "Other organisation" if the publication was written whilst employed at another university.

DiVA - Log in

How do I make sure my publications in DiVA appear under my profile page?

Fill in your username in the field "Local user ID". Do this for each publication you register in DiVA. The username is the connection to your profile page. This will make your publications appear.

How do I link my publications in DiVA to my research project (Research Database)?

As of 10 October 2023, you will no longer be able to add information to/change information in the research database. Learn more about ways to display your research projects.

Research Projects Online


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