Changed opening hours during the holiday season

The library has irregular opening hours from December 22nd to January 7th. You can find our opening hours here.

During our staffed opening hours, the library is open to the public, and it's also the time when you can reach us by phone. During times when it is open with key card (extended hours), the university key card is required to enter the library.

Library opening hours December 22nd - January 7th


December 22: Staffed 8-12, open with key card 12-20
December 23: Open with key card 10-16
December 24-26: Closed

December 27-29: Open with key card 8-20
December 30: Open with key card 10-16
December 31 - January 1: Closed

January 2-4: Staffed 10-12 and 13-15, open with key card 8-10, 12-13, and 15-20
January 5: Staffed 8-12, open with key card 12-20
January 6-7: Closed


December 22: Staffed 8-12, open with key card 12-20
December 23: Open with key card 10-16
December 24-26: Closed

December 27-29: Staffed 10-15, open with key card 15-20
December 30: Open with key card 10-16
December 31 - January 1: Closed

January 2-4: Staffed 8-16, open with key card 16-20
January 5: Staffed 8-12, open with key card 12-20
January 6-7: Closed

Questions? Contact the library!

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