- Assessing the Impact of Recycled Building Materials on Environmental Sustainability and Energy Efficiency : A Comprehensive Framework for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Buildings, 2024, Vol. 14, No. 6. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Arbetsmetodik för utveckling och förtätning av stationsnära områden - en vägledning : Utvecklad inom projektet Urbana stationssamhällen - realisering av potentialer i stationsnära områden, Urban Futures Rapport, 2024. Rapport. .
- Greenhouse Gas Payback Time of Different HVAC Systems in the Renovation of Nordic District-Heated Multifamily Buildings Considering Future Energy Production Scenarios, Buildings, 2024, Vol. 14, No. 2, 1-17. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Human-Centric and Integrative Lighting Asset Management in Public Libraries : Qualitative Insights and Challenges From a Swedish Field Study, IEEE Access, 2024, Vol. 12, 40905-40921. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Human-Centric and Integrative Lighting Asset Management in Public Libraries : Insights and Innovations on Its Strategy and Sustainable Development, Sustainability, 2024, Vol. 16, No. 5, 2096-2096. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Carbon Assessment of a Wooden Single-Family Building—Focusing on Re-Used Building Products, Buildings, 2024, Vol. 14, No. 3. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Whole Life Carbon Assessment and Life Cycle Cost Analysis of a Single-family Building, Gävle University Press, 2024. Doktorsavhandling. .
- Demand control and constant flow ventilation compared in an exhaust ventilated bedroom in a cold-climate single-family house, Intelligent Buildings International, 2023, Vol. 15, No. 4, 175-188. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Built Environments to Support Rehabilitation for People With Stroke From the Hospital to the Home (B-Sure) : Protocol for a Mixed Method Participatory Co-Design Study, JMIR Research Protocols, 2023, Vol. 12. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Carbon assessment of a wooden single-family building – A novel deep green design and elaborating on assessment parameters, Building and Environment, 2023, Vol. 233. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Enhancing Indoor Environmental Quality and Sustainability in Post-Pandemic Office Settings : A Study on Displacement Ventilation Feasibility, Buildings, 2023, Vol. 13. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- A Critical Review of Lighting Design and Asset Management Strategies. Illuminating Practices and Lessons Learned for Swedish Public Libraries, Journal of Physics, Conference Series, 2023, Vol. 2654, No. 1. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- A Critical Review of Lighting Design and Asset Management Strategies : Illuminating Practices and Lessons Learned for Swedish Public Libraries, 13th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, NSB 2023 proceedings : 2023. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- A Preliminary Simulation Study About the Impact of COVID-19 Crisis on Energy Demand of a Building Mix at a District in Sweden, Ingår i: Future Urban Energy System for Buildings, Springer Nature, 2023. Kapitel av bok. .
- Energiinnovation Jakobsdalen : Workshopserie hösten 2021, Arbetsrapport / Högskolan Dalarna, 2022. Rapport. .
- Förtätning av stationsnära områden för god tillgänglighet : Utveckling av en analys- och utvärderingsmetod, Urban Futures Rapport, 2022. Rapport. .
- Building Renovation Adapting to Future Climate : A Potential Solution of Phase-Change Material to Building Envelope, Ingår i: Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Springer Nature, 2022. Kapitel av bok. .
- Ventilation alone fails to prevent overheating in a Nordic home field study, 17th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, INDOOR AIR 2022, Kuopio, 12 June 2022 through 16 June 2022 : 2022. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Investigation of the Peer-to-Peer energy trading performances in a local community under the future climate change scenario in Sweden, Energy Reports, 2022, Vol. 8, 989-1001. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Designguide för Smarta gator, TRITA-ABE-RPT, 2022. Rapport. .
- Offerings and challenges of demand response ventilation under covid-19 scenarios, Proceedings of the 17th IBPSA Conference Bruges, Belgium, Sept. 1-3, 2021 : 2022. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Influence of Future Climate on Building Performance and the Related Adaptive Solution to New Building Design, Ingår i: Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Springer Nature, 2022. Kapitel av bok. .
- ”Stadens gator behöver inte laddstolpar”, Svenska Dagbladet, 2022. Artikel : populärvetenskaplig. .
- Urban weather generation : the intercomparison of three emerging models, 2021. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- The reinforcement learning method for occupant behavior in building control : A review, Energy and Built Environment, 2021, Vol. 2, No. 2, 137-148. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Strategies of Design Concepts and Energy Systems for NearlyZero‐Energy Container Buildings (NZECBs) inDifferent Climates, Buildings, 2021, Vol. 11, No. 8. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Life cycle cost analysis of a single-family house in Sweden, Buildings, 2021, Vol. 11, No. 5. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Life cycle assessment and life cycle cost analysis of a single-family house, Gävle University Press, 2021. Licentiatavhandling. .
- Methods and tools for co-creation of urban station communities in Chapter 4 Designing processes to integrate knowledge, Ingår i: Transdisciplinary Knowledge Co-production, Practical Action Publishing, 2021. Kapitel av bok. .
- Transport Hubs connect the City: A Story from Gothenburg in Chapter 2 Space and Place, Ingår i: Realising Just Cities, African Centre for Cities and Mistra Urban Futures, 2021. Kapitel av bok. .
- Tailoring future climate information for building energy simulation, Ingår i: Data-driven analytics for sustainable buildings and cities, Springer, 2021. Kapitel av bok. .
- Machine learning and artificial intelligence for digital twin to accelerate sustainability in positive energy districts, Ingår i: Data-driven Analytics for Sustainable Buildings and Cities, Springer, 2021. Kapitel av bok. .
- Hållbara Stationssamhällen, Samskapande Samhällsplanering, Landvetter södra, Härryda kommun : Delstudierapport 3, Landvetter södra 2021, 2021. Rapport. .
- Digital Twin for Accelerating Sustainability in Positive Energy District : A Review of Simulation Tools and Applications, 2021. .
- Resource effectiveness through shared space in Sweden : Shared space as the norm. A sector report from the IVA project Resource Effectiveness and the Circular Economy (ReCE), IVA-M, 2020. Rapport. .
- Det urbana stationssamhället : vägen mot ett resurssnålt resande, Mistra Urban Futures Report, 2020. Rapport. .
- A review of data centers as prosumers in district energy systems : Renewable energy integration and waste heat reuse for district heating, Applied Energy, 2020, Vol. 258. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Economic performance assessment of three renovated multi-family buildings with different HVAC systems, Energy and Buildings, 2020, Vol. 224. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Development of a weight factor method for sustainability decisions in building renovation. Case study using renobuild, Sustainability (Switzerland), 2020, Vol. 12, No. 17. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- The perception of Swedish housing owner’s on the strategies to increase the rate of energy efficient refurbishment of multi-family buildings, Intelligent Buildings International, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 3, 153-168. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Conceptualizing Urban Systems for Ecologic Sustainability Assessments : Case Study of the Stockholm Royal Seaport City District, Ingår i: Sustainability Assessment of Urban Systems, Cambridge University Press, 2020. Kapitel av bok. .
- Samskapande samhällsplanering i Landvetter södra : För energieffektiva och hållbara stationssamhällen, Härryda kommun, April 2020, 2020. Rapport. .
- Co-Creation in Urban Station Communities : Summary of three lectures with a presentation of findings from the Project 2017-2019, Mistra Urban Futures Report, 2020. Rapport. .
- Densification of station areas in order to promote sustainable mobility, health, well-being and energy efficiency- opportunities and obstacles. The case study of Mölnlycke urban centre in Gothenburg region, Sweden, IOP Conference Series, 2020, Vol. 588. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- An early-stage analysis of climate-adaptive designs for multi-family buildings under future climate scenario : Case studies in Rome, Italy and Stockholm, Sweden, Journal of Building Engineering, 2020, Vol. 27. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Exploring the potential of climate-adaptive container building design under future climate scenarios in three different climate zones, Sustainability, 2020, Vol. 12, No. 1. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- A preliminary simulation study about the impact of COVID-19 crisis on energy demand of a building mix at a district in Sweden, Applied Energy, 2020, Vol. 280. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Sociala perspektiv på termisk komfort vid renovering av Tjärna Ängar., Ingår i: Hållbar renovering ur ett helhetsperspektiv., Lunds universitet, 2019. Kapitel av bok. .
- Life cycle assessment of building materials for a single-family house in Sweden, Energy Procedia, 2019, Vol. 158, 3547-3552. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Life cycle assessment of a wooden single-family house in Sweden, Applied Energy, 2019, Vol. 251, 113-253. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Life cycle cost of building energy renovation measures, considering future energy production scenarios, Energies, 2019, Vol. 12, No. 14. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Miljontak Delprojekt 2 : Sammanfattning av litteratursammanställning, 2018. Rapport. .
- Techno-economic analysis of a solar photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) concentrator for building application in Sweden using Monte Carlo method, Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, Vol. 165, 8-24. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Environmental impact of energy refurbishment of buildings within different district heating systems, Applied Energy, 2018, Vol. 227, No. SI, 231-238. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Potential for district heating to lower peak electricity demand in a medium-size municipality in Sweden, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, Vol. 186, 1-9. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Life cycle cost of heat supply to areas with detached houses : a comparison of district heating and heat pumps from an energy system perspective, Energies, 2018, Vol. 11, No. 12. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Evaluating thermal comfort in a Swedish block of flats : A methodological comparison, 2017. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Experimental study on contaminant entrainment in air distribution systems with free jets, 2017. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Comparing different building energy efficiency refurbishment packages performed within different district heating systems, Energy Procedia, 2017, Vol. 105, 1719-1724. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Mapping of heat and electricity consumption in a medium size municipality in Sweden, Energy Procedia, 2017, Vol. 105, 1434-1439. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Techno-economic analysis of energy renovation measures for a district heated multi-family house, Applied Energy, 2016, Vol. 177, 108-116. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Effectiveness of trigger speed of vehicle-activated signs on mean and standard deviation of speed, Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, 2016, Vol. 8, No. 4, 293-309. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- System impact of energy efficient building refurbishment within a district heated region, Energy, 2016, Vol. 106, 45-53. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Assessment of renovation measures for a dwelling area : impacts on energy efficiency and building certification, Building and Environment, 2016, Vol. 97, 26-33. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Klimatsmarta fysiska strukturer : Sammanställning av kunskapsläget, 2016. Rapport. .
- Primary energy use in buildings in a Swedish perspective, Energy and Buildings, 2016, Vol. 130, 202-209. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Assessment of the potential for district heating to lower the peak electricity consumption in a medium size municipality in Sweden, 2016. Manuskript. .
- Economic and environmental analysis of energy renovation measures for a district heated multi-family house, 2015. Manuskript. .
- Influence of different ventilation levels on indoor air quality and energy savings : a case study of a single-family house, Sustainable cities and society, 2015, Vol. 19, 165-172. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Particle image velocimetry visualization and measurement of airflow over a wall-mounted radiator, The International Journal of Ventilation, 2015, Vol. 14, No. 3, 289-302. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Techno-economic analysis of three HVAC retrofitting options, 2014. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Energy performance comparison of three innovative HVAC systems for renovation through dynamic simulation, Energy and Buildings, 2014, Vol. 82, 512-519. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Paketrenovering i småhus med BELOK Totalmetodik : Resultat som beslutsunderlag vid finansiering med energilån?, 2014. Rapport. .
- Effectiveness of vehicle activated signs on mean speed and standard deviation of vehicle speed, Working papers in transport, tourism, information technology and microdata analysis, 2014. Rapport. .
- Data based Calibration System for Radar used by Vehicle Activated Signs, Journal of Data Analysis and Information Processing, 2014, No. 2, 106-116. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Lågtemperaturuppvärmning med tilluftsradiatorer och värmeåtervinning i frånluft : en varsam renovering av flerbostadshus för energieffektivisering, 2014. Rapport. .
- Primary energy reduction in buildings : Case study on a residential building in Falun, Sweden, Proceedings from the 14th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling : 2014. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Comparison of two HVAC renovation solutions : A case study, 2013. Konferensbidrag : refereegranskat. .
- Performance evaluation of ventilation radiators, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013, Vol. 51, No. 1-2, 315-324. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
- Passive crosslaminated timber buildings : Final report Cerbof-project no. 76, Centrum för solenergiforskning, Högskolan Dalarna, 2013. Rapport. .
- Nulägesanalys av passivhusbyggande i Sverige 2010, Centrum för solenergiforskning, Högskolan Dalarna, 2012. Rapport. .
- Impact of fine materials content on the transport of dust suppressants in gravel road wearing courses, Journal of materials in civil engineering, 2011, Vol. 23, No. 8, 1163-1170. Artikel : refereegranskat. .
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