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Litteraturlista för:
Fastställd 2021-01-26

Globalisering - innebörder och konsekvenser (SK1058)

V36U9 (VT21, 100%, Dag, Distans, Falun, Omg. 3, ORD)


  • Baylis, J., Owens, P., & Smith, S. (Red.). (2020). Globalization of world politics : an introduction to international relations (Eight edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0198825544
    Bok / Antologi
  • Giddens, A. (2002). Runaway world : how globalisation is reshaping our lives (-). London: Profile Books. ISBN: 1861974299
    Bok / Antologi
  • Held, D. (Red.). (2004). Globalizing world? : culture, economics, politics (Second edition). London: Routledge in association with the Open University. ISBN: 9780415329743
    Bok / Antologi
  • Ray, L. (2007). Globalization and everyday life (-). London: Routledge. ISBN: 0-415-34094-2
    Bok / Antologi
  • Journal articles, 50-100 pages.