Litteraturlistor publiceras senast 1 månad innan kursstart.

Litteraturlista för:
Fastställd 2020-06-25

Japanska: Akademiskt skrivande och forskningsmetodik (GJP23X)

H35LD (HT20, 50%, Dag, Distans, Falun, Omg. 1, ORD)


  • Berndt, J. (2019). Interpreting Anime by Christopher Bolton. The Journal of Japanese Studies, 45(2), 471-475. DOI: 10.1353/jjs.2019.0063
  • Ember, C. R., & Ember, M. (1998). Cross-cultural research. I H. R. Bernard (Red.), Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology ( ss. 647-687). Walnut Creek: Altamira Press.
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    Kapitel i bok (antologi)
  • Eschbach-Szabo, V., Ikegami, Y., & Wlodarczyk, A. (Red.). (2007). Japanese Linguistics: European Chapter. Kuroshio Shuppan.
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    Bok / Antologi
  • Matsumoto, Y. (2005). Gengogaku ni okeru sotsugyo ronbun shippitsu no tebiki (Writing a thesis in linguistics). Hämtad 2019-10-21 från
  • Munday, J. (2008). Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications (2 uppl.). London, New York: Routledge.
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    Bok / Antologi
  • Sato, S. (2006). Sentô no kôdôgaku. I K. Sugawara (Red.), Fiirudowâku e no chôsen ( ss. 259-282). Kyoto: Sekai Shisôsha.
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    Kapitel i bok (antologi)
  • Slovic, S. Ecocriticism: Storytelling, Values, Communication, Contact. I Going Away to Think: Engagement, Retreat, and Ecocritical Responsibility ( ss. 27-30). University of Nevada Press. Hämtad från
    Kapitel i bok (antologi)
  • Suter, R. (2016). Critical Engagement through Fantasy in Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World. I M. C. Strecher, & P. L. Thomas (Red.), Haruki Murakami ( ss. 59-71). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. ISBN: 9789463004626
    Läsanvisning:En pdf med kapitlet kommer att finnas tillgänglig i kursrummet
    Kapitel i bok (antologi)
  • Williams, J., & Chesterman, A. (2002). The Map : A Beginner's Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies (1 uppl.). Manchester: St. Jerome. ISBN: 9781900650540
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    Bok / Antologi


  • Kuroda, R. (2004). Hajimete no gengogaku Tokyo: Kodansha.
    Bok / Antologi
  • Labov, W. (1972). Some principles of linguistic methodology. Language in Society, 1(1), 97-120. DOI: 10.1017/s0047404500006576
  • Ryan, M., & Rivkin, J. (Red.). (2017). Literary theory: a practical introduction (3 uppl.). John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated. ISBN: 9781405107198
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    Bok / Antologi