Tara Duncan

Personlig presentation av Tara Duncan

Professor Tourism Studies
Tourism Studies School of Culture and Society

Tara's academic background is in social and cultural geography. Her undergraduate degree is in Geography from the University of Wales, Lampeter, Wales. Her MSc (Modernity, Space and Place) and PhD were completed in the Department of Geography at UCL, London, UK.


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Tara is the 2023 recipent of The John Rooney Award for outstanding contributions to the field and discipline of Applied Recreation, Tourism and Sport Geography (http://www.aagrts.org/wolfe-and-rooney-awards.html) awarded by the AAG-RTS.

 Tara is the current Chair of ATLAS (the Association for Tourism and Leisure Education and Research (see http://www.atlas-euro.org/home), a European based organization that promotes educational initiatives in tourism and leisure through facilitating research and networking opportunities for staff and students in higher education.

She is also an editorial board member for the journal Social and Cultural Geography and a Resource Editor for Tourism Geographies.


My teaching is mainly at the undergraduate level within Tourism Studies. I teach at all three levels of the undergraduate programme. I teach an introductory course which focuses on ensuring students have relevant skills for academic success. I am also involved in teaching qualitative methods to final year undergraduate students. I have a passion for supervision, especially PhD supervision, and am keen to explore supervisory oportunities with candidates in Sweden and globally. 

Course Coordinator


Tara's research focuses on the intersections between mobilities, work and tourism, with a focus on decent work, dignity and sustainability within tourism and hospitality careers. 
