Holidays and the Klämdag

Technical and administrative staff receive extra time off ahead of certain weekends.

Definition of Klämdag

The Swedish klämdag refers to a working day that falls between two work-free days. For example, Sweden’s National Day (June 6) is a work-free day. If it – the National Day – falls on a Thursday, then you get the Friday off (a klämdag) because Saturday is also a work-free day.

Work-Free Days 

Everyone is entitled to the following days off: 

  • Ascension Day (Kristi himmelsfärdsdag)
  • National Day (Nationaldagen)
  • Midsummer’s Eve (Midsommarafton)
  • Christmas Eve (Julafton)
  • New Year’s Eve (Nyårsafton)

Reduction in Working Hours for Technical and Administrative Staff

Technical and administrative staff are entitled to a reduction in working hours on certain days. The hours shown in the table apply to those who work full-time. If you work part-time, the reduction in working hours is proportionate to the extent (the percentage) of your employment: i.e., if you are employed 20 or 25 or 75 percent, etc.

Reduction in Regular Working Hours (8h)

Working Day According to
the agreement Villkorsavtalet
According to the local DU agreement (lokalt
In total
Trettondagsafton (January 5) 4 h   4 h
Skärtorsdag 2 h   2 h
April 30 that falls on a      
a) Monday 2 h 6 h 8 h
b) Tuesday - Thursday 2 h   2 h
c) Friday 4 h   4 h
Friday after Kristi himmelsfärdsdag   8 h 8 h
National Day*   8 h 8 h 
The day before Alla helgons dag 4 h   4 h 
December 23 that falls on a Friday 4 h 4 h 8 h 

* If the National Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, you can take a day off on another day in the month of June upon agreement with your immediate manager.

Example: Part-Time Employees

If you work a 50 percent contract, on Trettondagsafton (January 5) you are eligible for a two-hour reduction in your working hours – that is to say, half of the four hours to which a full-time employee is entitled. If you have questions about this, contact the Office of Human Resources.

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Office of Human Resources
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